Tuesday, April 2, 2024

I'm back and the reasons why I took a long break...

 Hi friends,

I have so much to share with everyone, some not-so-good events, and other changes that have happened in my life. To do this we must step back in time, so turn on Cher's "If I could turn back time".

In 2016, my workplace was at its highest point of toxicity, and my depression and anxiety were out of control. There were days that it was hard to get out of bed, brush my teeth, or think of taking care of my needs let alone go to work. So in 2017 when I was dismissed from my job (the best thing that ever happened) they were unhappy with my job performance, Hmm, I wondered why when you mentally abuse your employees then their job performance may suffer.

April 5, 2017, Was "D" day for me. This was the end of one chapter in my career and the beginning of a new adventure. I was fired from my job. I remembered that they called me back to the HR office and sitting in that chair telling myself not to cry. They were not worth my tears. I turned my keys in and grabbed my personal belongings from my office. Afterward, I called my husband and cried on the phone not because I was fired what was next in my life. The uncertainty of the future terrified me. During this time, I was working on finishing my bachelor's degree in Anthropology. My favorite memory was when I went home and my youngest son had run me a hot bath and fixed me a grilled cheese sandwich. This was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for me but my 17-year-old knew what I needed at that moment.

That summer I took time to concentrate on my studies, filed for unemployment, and waited for my severance package. That fall I took a job at a call center for a pharmaceutical company. 

Let's jump to 2018, I graduated with my bachelor's degree and my youngest graduated from high school. This was also the year that I decided to start looking for schools for my master's degree in history and became a substitute teacher. Subs should really be paid better than what they are currently. In December the school district offered me a tutoring position at an elementary school. I was beyond excited to accept their offer and started my master's program.

Who could ever forget 2020! Two weeks after I finished my History, MA most of the world had shut down due to Covid 19. This put a wrench in trying to find a job in the field that I study and worked so hard to earn degrees in. This was also the year that I lost a sister due to health complications from breast cancer and our beloved dog Loki passed away from cancer. This was a roller coaster year for so many of us. My daughter gave birth to her second child that summer. We were not sure if we would be able to travel to South Dakota to see the newest member of our family. Let me tell you that driving from Ohio to South Dakota is not for the faint of heart. Being in the car for 18-plus hours is hard on the body. This was worth it though because we saw so much of the country and our newest grandchild was gorgeous. We had taken so many precautions to make this happen.

2022 came along and I thought it was going ok for the first few months but then it was not.  My mother had been in and out of the hospital due to health issues. July my brother was found dead from an overdose. This crushed my mother. Drugs destroy families. I had to learn how to be a rock for my mother. The drama at his funeral was surreal.  I was also about to start a new job as a school librarian that my school district offered me. This has become a dream job for me that I never knew I wanted. Let me begin by telling you that the job does not pay well and it can be exhausting mentally and physically but it is so worth it.  So the ups and downs of the past few years has been exhausting but that's not all folks.

Towards the end of my first year as an elementary librarian I had to rush my cat Gizmo to the vet. He was lethargic, not eating, or drinking. This came on suddenly out of no where. The vet advise that I leave him there while they do some test so I went into work. I was worried all day and tried not to let the kids see that I was worried. During my kindergarten class I received news that his kidneys and other organs were shutting down. Without more testing they would not be able to figure out the why but the vet advised me that euthanizing him would be the human thing to do. Sadly I agree to do this but asked the vet to let me be there to say my goodbyes. He was the sweetest cat and I still miss him everyday.

This was the last photo that I had taken of Gizmo. RIP my sweet little guy.

So what are my plans for the next phase in my life? I have not a clue at the moment except that I want to write, laugh, read, and drink my cup of tea no matter where I am at in the world.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Emperor Gizmo

Emperor Gizmo speaking to you from an undisclosed location. I have heard rumors that the U.S. is currently in the process of selecting a new Presidential candidate. I shall remind everyone that I am your emperor now and that this process is unnecessary. I have reviewed both of these candidates credentials. I do not find that either of these candidates should be in power and I shall appoint someone to govern my territories for the U.S. You are probably asking yourself how could I possibly know the truth regarding each of these candidates. So I will list my reasons that they are not suitable.

1. They are both Liars.

2. They do not care about the people.

3. Donald Trump does wear a hair piece. Trust me on this one I have a inside source.

4. They are both are under investigation for different crimes. I really do not know why this should come as a shock to you but either way they are both crooks.

Now since I have listed some of the reasons why I am in control and they should not be lets get back to business. I will have advisers from all around the world to help me taking complete control of the world. I will start planning on visiting my countries to show you that I do love my humans but I will not tolerate anymore violence among the humans.

Be on the look out for my next communication.

Also do not fear that I may have harmed my human. She is still indisposed but has been given food and water. She also is being allowed to watch HGTV to occupy her imprisonment..I mean vacation.

Truly yours,
Emperor Gizmo

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Gizmo is now in power

Dear Humans,

This is your new leader Gizmo speaking. I have taken over my humans computer and her blog. Since she is temporary indisposed I will now be writing to you. Within these blogs I will list the new set of rules and what my demands are. Do not displease me because I may have to dispose of you as well.

Rule 1: I will be called Emperor Gizmo

Rule 2: Humans will stop fighting among each other. I speak for all of the animal Kingdom when I say that I am tired of your petty differences and they will come to an end.

Rule 3: All stray animals will be given food, bath, medical attention, and lots of love.

Rule 4: Humans will start worshiping the cats as Gods again.

Humans I will be back in contact shortly and expect that these demands will be fulfilled.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Dreams are big part of everyone's existence whether they want to admit it or not. When I was a child I had many dreams of what my future will hold. I dreamed of being a writer, a mail carrier, a veterinarian, a archaeologist, and so much more. I have always had a huge imagination and often found myself living in make up worlds as I was growing up to deal with my life with growing up with my family. Being the youngest of seven was not the easiest of things to do. I had low self esteem and hated what I saw back in the mirror. I didn't even like what I sounded like when I would speak. So I read and read. By the time I found myself in high school I was reading at a college level and believe me when I say the teachers was not quite sure what to do with me. I was quiet and normally had a book with me where ever I went. The librarian grew to know me on a regular basis  and often would recommend books to me. I found myself loving to write reports and while the other students would grumble about doing a report I found myself almost too ready to tackle another assignment. I think that this is a reason I like to blog about my crazy life with my cat Gizmo and my other fur babies. I had another fur baby when I was much younger. My first fur baby was a little black cat named Midnight. I had him for eight wonderful years. He became my protector and my best friend when I had none. I remember if he thought I was up past my bed time he would manage to chase me to bed. I wished he was still here with me. There is something about your first pet that is almost magical. I shared so many of my dreams and wishes with him. I am disappointed that I have not accomplished all of them but I have not given up. I keep writing to give myself hope and I take photos of others to give them hope and memories of special times. I will not give up on my dreams. My dreams have changed from that little girl that I use to be to the woman that I am now. My only regret is that I wished I had a photo of my little midnight. My advice to anyone that may read this keep your dreams alive and keep aiming for them. Never give up.

Blessed Be to all,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A note from Gizmo

Dear Female Human,

My life has become hard and barely tolerable. You expect me to cuddle in a large luxurious bed every morning with you. I am given something that you call my kitty kibble and expect me to share with the other two cats that you call my siblings. This can not be tolerated any longer. I expect my moist tuna served on special plate that is not to be shared with the others. I have to stay limber with dealing with the other beast that you call dogs. They must go. You expect me to play with toys that you lace with catnip ( Jax is an addict) I wish you to continue with this. The pictures most stop or at least I must be paid a modeling fee for them. I do not wish to continue with the leash training. I am not a dog and do not expect you to treat me as such. I work hard all day by keeping the birds, mice, and occasional snakes at bay (hehe I do love to hear the human scream when she sees a snake) I expect plenty of treats and chin scratches for this dangerous work. If I am sleeping please do not disturb by saying how adorable I look because we all know that this is true but I still need my beauty sleep. This is your chance to make amends or else I will not be pleased with this.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Gizmo and Jax Starting their own version of Nascar

My cats Jax and Gizmo have apparently decided to start their own version of Nascar. Yesterday coming home from Hell (aka work) my cats were suspiciously calm and still giving me tons of snuggles and kisses. I should have known I was being setup with them. While fixing dinner Gizmo decided to beg for a bite of what I was fixing. He is the only cat that I knows that will beg for Indian food which I was fixing chicken curry. He gives these soft little meows that sounds like he is crying. So I give him one of his kitty approved treats. He proceeded to try and pull things off the table. After repeatedly removing him from the table his brother Jax decided to get in on the action. He decided it would be a good idea to try and steal my bookmark from a book that I have been reading, He did this several time which maybe indication that he needs help for kleptomania. I manage to get dinner done and kitchen cleaned up when the races begin. I live in a ranch style home when my two kitties decided to race all through the house at top speed. It got so bad that we started taking bets on who was in the lead and who would win. I do believe it was more exciting than any race I have ever seen, During this stressful time in my family life these two kitties know how to make us laugh and forget our worries even for just a little while.

Good Fortunes and Blessings,



Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thank Goodness for my Cats

This past week has been a very long and stressful week. On Monday we put my mother's house up for sale. This house is where I grew up. I have very fond memories and some very painful memories. I know this is going to be hard on my mother in this new journey in her life. She has made this house into a home but it is time for her to downsize and allow another family to make their own memories in it.  On Wednesday I took my 16 year old , who is the youngest of my children to his yearly check up. We received a call an hour later saying that they wanted to do a ultrasound on is liver because of something that showed on his blood work. We took him to the ultrasound on Friday and found out that his liver is larger than normal and will have to see a GI specialist on what the cause is. He also went to see another specialist on Friday for Rheumatoid arthritis. This doctor did another panel of blood work and xrays. On Sunday morning my son and I had a fight that he started because he is scared and angry that this is happening to him. So as any teenager would do he picked a fight with me and blamed me and his father for everything that you could imagine. After he calmed down and I did as well we talked it out and all things are better now. I understand that he is angry and life is not always fair but we have to remember to keep living and not stop. So this brings me to my point about thank goodness for my cats. Gizmo and Jax has been giving me extra kisses and snuggles this week, I think they can sense how stressed I have been. After getting off from retail hell (aka work) which was past midnight I sat in my favorite chair where Jax proceeded to snuggle in my lap. I think he is trying to tell me he is there for me and everything will be ok. I could not imagine not having my two boys. I love them as my own children. Hopefully everything will be ok with my Austin and he survives being a teenager. I would not want to repeat being a teenager especially in this day and age.

Many blessings and good fortune,
